How to upgrade Cisco switches in Mixed Stack

How to upgrade cisco switches in Mixed Stack

In this example I upgrade a mixed 2960 stack, mixed with 2960s and 2960x

in order to upgrade the whole stack at once, I have to provide all the different firmwares for the different models X/S series (It has to be the same version eg. version 15.0.2 EX5)

this command will download and distribute the right firmware to the right switch in the stack, and upgrade all switches

archive download-sw tftp://[IP of the tftp server]/c2960x-universalk9-tar.150-2.EX5.tar tftp://


Mouse problem Grab/UnGrab VMware Player

Mouse problem Grab/UnGrab VMware Player

In some applications it’s quite useful to be able to lock the mouse inside the vm. Normally when VMware tools are installed, it automatically ungrabs the mouse when you leave the window. To change this, edit ~/.vmware/preferences and add:

Windows: C:\users\[User]\AppData\Roaming\VMWARE\preferences
OSX: ~/.vmware/preferences

pref.motionGrab = “FALSE”
pref.motionUngrab = “FALSE”

And find the .vmx file of the VM and add the following lines:

vmmouse.present = FALSE
mouse.vusb.enable = “FALSE”

Create office 365 mail relay connector

Create office 365 mail relay connector

go to login as global administrator

step 1: click Mailflow
step 2: click Connectors
step 3: click Add


step 4: Give the connector a name (eg. AllowRelay)
step 5: Select On-Premise
step 6: Select Restrict domains by IP addresses
step 7: Set sender domain to *
step 8: Set sender ip to your own Wan ip/public ip (Only static ips is allowed)
step 9: Set Accepted domains to your office 365 domain


now you can use your own mx record eg. as relay server/smarthost without login, and on port 25

Outlook 2013 Stuck Loading profile

Outlook 2013 Stuck Loading profile

Outlook 2013 Stuck Loading profile1

Disable hardware acceleration

1. Open regedit
2. Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common
3. Right click on the right panel select “New Key” and name it “Graphics
4. Select Graphics key/folder, right click on the right panel and create a New DWORD (32-bit) Value and name it “DisableHardwareAcceleration”.
5. Set Value to 1

Outlook 2013 Stuck Loading profile reg fix


Thanks to: timjohnson2 #2

Windows 7 Convert IDE Mode to AHCI Mode without reinstalling

Windows 7 Convert IDE Mode to AHCI Mode without reinstalling

1. Start regedit
2. Go to key entry


3. Look for the key “Start” change it from 3 to 0
4. Reboot the pc
5. Change bios to AHCI mode


Change Outlook 2011 max attachment size

Change Outlook 2011 max attachment size

Increase the “maxRequestLength” to 51200000 in web.config (found in ‘ClientAccess\exchweb\ews’ & ‘ClientAccess\owa’).
Increase the “maxReceivedMessageSize” 51200000 to  in web.config  (found in ‘ClientAccess\exchweb\ews’).

Open command prompt & run the following:

cd \Windows\System32\inetsrv
appcmd set config "Default Web Site/ews" -section:requestFiltering -requestLimits.maxAllowedContentLength:51200000
appcmd set config "Default Web Site/owa" -section:requestFiltering -requestLimits.maxAllowedContentLength:51200000

Requirements Exchange 2010 SP3 (Will not work with  eg. SP1)



IBM IMM default login info

Finding IBM IMM ip:

1) Download IBM Advanced Settings Utility

2) Unzip the packet, and open commandline and go to the folder

3) Type “asu64 show”, this will show you the current config for the IMM card (including the ip address)

4) You can also change the ip by typing “asu64 set imm.hostipaddress1 [IP Address]” eg. ( asu64 set imm.hostipaddress1 )

default user: USERID
default pass: PASSW0RD (with a zero, not the letter O)



Windows 7: Windows update error

Windows update reports error 80071a91 in the Event log (system log)

1. Run (in an elevated cmd) “fsutil resource setautoreset true C:\ ” (change c: if your Windows is installed on another drive)

a)      Press Windows Key + X, select control panel
b)      Change the ‘view by’ option on the top right to ‘Larger icons’
c)      Select the Troubleshooting option and click ‘view all’ on the left pane
d)      Run the ‘Windows update ‘troubleshooter.

3. Reboot PC