How to Publish a Full Desktop Alongside Published RemoteApps

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\CentralPublishedResources\PublishedFarms\<collection>\RemoteDesktops\<collection>

ShowInPortal     REG_DWORD     0x00000001 (1 means SHOW the desktop connection icon, 0 will hide it)

error extending volume size not supported storage spaces

If you are getting this error when you try to expand your storage spaces Vdisk, and you are using StorageTiers.

error extending volume size not supported storage spaces

error extending volume size not supported storage spaces

you can expand your volume by using powershell instead

run the following command to get the names of your StorageTiers

Get-VirtualDisk <Vdisk FriendlyName> | Get-StorageTier | Select FriendlyName

In my case the name is VeeamVolume


Get-VirtualDisk “VeeamVolume” | Get-StorageTier | Select FriendlyName

and then expand the desired StorageTier

Get-StorageTier <StorageTier FriendlyName> | Resize-StorageTier -Size <Size>

Get-StorageTier VeeamVolume_HDD_Tier | Resize-StorageTier -Size 50TB

and after the resize

after StorageTier Resize

after StorageTier Resize


Web Platform installer: PHP manager for IIS failed on server 2016, error 1603

Web Platform installer: PHP manager for IIS failed on server 2016, error 1603

Error message: “CustomAction VSDCA_VsdLaunchConditions returned actual error code 1603”


1. Install .net 3.5
2. Change this registry key:


to value 9 instead of 10

3. open Web Platform installer to reinstall php manager for iis this time it should work

4. set MajorVersion back to 10 again


Live migration of ‘Virtual Machine’ failed. Event 21502

Live migration of ‘Virtual Machine1’ failed.

Virtual machine migration operation for ‘Virtual Machine1’ failed at migration destination ‘NodeX’. (Virtual machine ID xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)

The virtual machine ‘Virtual Machine1’ is using processor-specific features not supported on physical computer ‘NODEX’. To allow for migration of this virtual machine to physical computers with different processors, modify the virtual machine settings to limit the processor features used by the virtual machine. (Virtual machine ID xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)

stop VM
Set-VMProcessor “Virtual Machine1” -CompatibilityForMigrationEnabled $true

A request to allocate an ephemeral port number from the global UDP port space has failed due to all such ports being in use.

Event 4266
A request to allocate an ephemeral port number from the global UDP port space has failed due to all such ports being in use.

Use netstat -anob
Look for several dnscache entries

Find PID number for the dnscache service:
tasklist /SVC|find /i “dns”

Kill the pid:
TASKKILL /PID <PID process number> /F

Remember to start the other serviecs used by that pid (as it is controlled by svchost.exe)

Extend Cluster Shared Volume (CSV)

This is how you Extend Cluster Shared Volume (CSV)

Extend Cluster Shared Volume

1. Expand the LUN used to CSV
2. Find the CSV owner
3. Login local on the CSV owner node/host, and run diskpart from Command prompt
4. Type “rescan”
5. Type “list volume”
6. Type “select volume [Disk Id of the CSV volume]
7. Type “extend”

To check the size has extended type “list volume” to see that the volume size now has extended.

Microsoft kb: