Exchange Management Console – The following error occurre while attempting to connect to the specified Exchange server

When you try to open the Exchange Management Console this error occurre:

The following error occurre while attempting to connect to the specified Exchange server sbs2011.domain.local

When you try to open the Exchange Management Console this error occurre:  The following error occurre while attempting to connect to the specified Exchange server

The attempt to connect to http://sbs2011.domain.local/powershell using Kerberos authetication failed: Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message: The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The system load quota of 1000 requests per 2 seconds has been exceeded. Send future request at a slower rate or raise the system quota. The next request from this user will not be approve for at least 1522693632 milliseconds. For more information see the about Remote_Troubleshooting


just run iisreset from cmd


Change port used by Exchange 2007 / 2010 send connector when using smarthost

Some smarthost providers/smtp relay servers will only allow you to connect to ports other than port 25 or your ISP is blocking outgoing port 25.

In both cases you have to change the SendConnector port, this can’t be done in the exchange management console, so you have to use the Exchange Managment Shell.

List SendConnectors and port nummers:

Get-SendConnector | ft Id*,Sm*s,po*

Change the port for SendConnector:

Set-SendConnector "[SendConnector name]" -port [Port nummer]


Set-SendConnector “OutboundMail” -port 3535